How to choose the best
exercise for your body
Whatever your health condition, the right activity can reduce symptoms and stave off further illness. Please click on the links below for further information.
ANGINA: Walking, Yoga, Tai Chi
Angina is caused by narrowed coronary arteries that restrict the flow of blood to the heart muscle, increasing the risk of heart attack. Regular moderate aerobic exercise such as walking for 10 minutes a day can be an effective way of keeping angina in check as it decreases heart rate and blood pressure. Exercise also helps disperse stress which is important as tension can bring on an angina attack. Yoga and tai chi have a relaxing effect on the body so try to attend one class a week.
HEADACHE & MIGRAINE: Cycling, Yoga, Pilates
Exercise increases production of endorphins which are often low in headache sufferers because of their frequent use of synthetic painkillers. Cycling at least three times per week has proved that symptoms do not get worse and the frequency of attacks decrease. Yoga and Pilates are invaluable for correcting postural problems that cause muscle tension in the back of the neck which provokes tension headaches.
OSTEOPOROSIS: Running, Tennis, Dancing
When Osteoporosis occurs, "holes" in the bones' spongy tissue increase and expand, making bones fragile. Bones need to be stressed in order to become stronger and high-impact exercise is effective for developing bone mineral density. Running builds stronger spines than non-weight bearing activities such as cycling or swimming. Playing tennis and dancing are other options.
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: Resistance Training, Tai Chi
MS is a chronic neurological disease that affects the central nervous system. Symptoms range from numbness in the limbs to paralysis. Lifting small weights can strengthen muscles and bones if you have spasms, pulling against an exercise band is easier. Twice weekly 45-minute sessions of seated Tai Chi improved mobility, balance and stamina.
INSOMNIA: Jogging, Swimming, Mediation
Exercise improves sleep by producing a significant rise in body temperature, followed by a drop a few hours later which makes it easier to fall asleep. Activities that use leg muscles such as jogging and swimming are especially effective. People who can't sleep are in a 24-hour state of hyper-arousal. Deep- breathing techniques such as meditation can help lower mental activity and promote sleep at night.
ASTHMA: Volleyball, Yoga
Asthma is a chronic disease in which the small airways within the lungs narrow as a result of inflammation and muscle spasm. Symptoms are shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, wheezing or coughing. Short bursts of activity are less likely to cause an asthma attack so choose activities involving intermittent periods of exertion such as volleyball. Calm yoga poses such as "downward facing dog" in which you balance on all fours can be beneficial.
ARTHRITIS: Aqua Exercise, Stretching
Pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints are symptoms of arthritis. Try aqua exercise as the soothing temperature and buoyancy of warm water relieve pain and stiffness and the cushioning effect of water makes exercising gentler on the body. Gentle stretching and bending the joints in knees, hands and fingers can help condition them and prevent loss of mobility.
TYPE 2 DIABETES: Weight Training, Kickboxing, Tai Chi
The onset of Type 2 Diabetes is fostered by a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Regular exercise lowers blood sugar and lessens insulin resistance. Three hours per week of weight training combined with aerobic activity such as kickboxing can reduce the risk by 58 percent. Doing Tai Chi for a few hours each week can also show significant improvements in your health.
STROKE PREVENTION: Fast Walking, Tennis
A stroke happens when a blood clot blocks an artery or vein, interrupting the flow of blood to the brain. Moderately active people have a 20 percent lower risk of stroke than inactive people. Highly active people have about a 30 percent reduction. Fast walking for 30 minutes five days per week can protect against stroke as can playing tennis and other racquet sports.
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Stair-Climbing, Dancing
Dancing for 30 minutes and climbing stairs for 15 minutes can lower blood pressure but warm down properly as if you stop exercising too quickly your blood pressure can drop and cause cramp.
BACK PAIN: Alexander Technique, Iyengar Yoga
Strained muscles or ligaments caused by sudden movements or lifting heavy objects carelessly is often the cause of back pain. The Alexander Technique, which uses personalised training to improve postural tone and muscular co-ordination, offers long term effective treatment. People who did Iyengar Yoga, which uses belts around the limbs and emphasizes the precise alignment of the body in various poses, overcame pain more successfully than those who used conventional treatment.
PARKINSON'S DISEASE: Aqua Aerobics, Stretching
Parkinson's disease occurs when nerve cells die or become impaired. Symptoms include shaking, slowed movement, stiffness and difficulty with balance. Exercise can't reverse these but it will help maintain functional independence for longer. Aqua aerobics is easy on the joints, requires less balancing ability and helps reduce the fear of falling. Stretching is also beneficial.
HIGH CHOLESTEROL: Skipping, Power Walking
Cholesterol is a fat produced by the liver and is crucial for normal body functioning. High-intensity aerobic exercise such as skipping increases HDL (good cholesterol) while decreasing LDL (bad cholesterol). A good amount of exercise is required to lower cholesterol so you need to power walk, not just walk, and be active at least 60 minutes a day, five days a week.
VARICOSE VEINS: Swimming, Yoga
Arteries carry blood from the heart to your organs and tissues while veins return the blood to your heart. If the valves don't function properly blood can leak backwards collecting in the veins and causing them to enlarge. When you exercise the pumping action of your leg muscles squeezes blood from the veins and directs it back towards the heart. Low-impact workouts such as Swimming and Yoga are more therapeutic as high-impact aerobics increase blood pressure in the legs which weakens the veins.
SCIATICA: Stretching, Walking
The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back into the calf and foot. Sciatica manifests itself with sharp pains in the lower back, a stabbing sensation in the butock or numbness and tingling the length of the nerve. If you don't mobilise your back through gentle stretches and strengthening exercises it's muscles will weaken and make your Sciatica worse. Walking is excellent for the lower back as it is low impact.
EPILEPSY: Swiss Ball, Yoga, Tai Chi
Epilepsy is caused by abnormal electrical activity within the brain which results in seizures. Anti-epilepsy drugs can lead to bone loss. Exercising with Swiss ball is one of the best forms of strength training. Research shows the relaxing practices of Yoga or Tai Chi result in fewer seizures.
FIBROMYALGIA: Aqua Aerobics, Pilates
Sufferers of Fibromyalgia experience intense pain in muscles, connective tissues, joints and multiple tender points around the body. You can try low-impact aqua aerobics as studies show exercise in heated water improves pain thresholds, encourages relaxation and reduces daytime fatigue. Many sufferers are prone to dizziness so choose exercises in which you lie on the floor or sit down. Pilates is an ideal way to alleviate Fibromyalgia pain.