Mind Over Muscle...
You need mental strength to power your workout...
Find Your Pleasure Zone
"Long term motivation for working out is crucial" says Wow Fitness Men Adviser Sonia Cullington "People are driven by two things - Pain & Pleasure. The driving force that initiates change and improvement comes from Pain: you get to a point when enough is enough... but once you notice the rewards that you get from maintaining these changes you shift to the Pleasure side of the equation"
Focus on WHY you want to change your body for the better... then apply yourself to do it... LOVE the way that training makes you feel...
'Wow Fitness Men' recommends using positive imagery to put your mind in the zone...
- Imagine having already achieved your goal
- See yourself in the mirror looking the way you want to look
- Imagine what it will feel like to move, walk and workout when you're at your ideal physique
- Programme your subconscious to lead you towards success
- Treat you body like a business proposition... "An 'easy' session is a wasted session"... To end up with a profit, treat each workout like a meeting: Be punctual and consistent.
Wow Fitness researches as much as possible, and never stops looking for new moves and advises you to stay with a new or any other programme for a maximum of six weeks.
"...To challenge your muscles you need to consistently challenge your mind..."